You work hard- you play harder. You know what? You’ve rocked it but come on! You can lay it on me! Just you and me…right now. Ya hurt! Don’t you!? That’s why you’re here! The pain. (Echoing) The relentless pain that has robbed you of your sleep, Time with the kids- your sex life, your drive… You’re angry- sharp, treating people like maybe you shouldn’t. You know it’s not you. It’s the damn pain! (Echoing) ((Music for a bit)) Hey! You think you’re alone in this, but I swear man…you’re not. You’ll conquer this- you will succeed. No shame in this- I promise! How do I know? Because you’ve man’d up to it that’s why! Or you’re about to… Because that’s what men do. They face the pain. (pause) Don’t bury it any longer. Face it! And, when you can’t fight the battle alone… Know this! Men unite and conquer. Man Up to Fibro- and unite. Sign up today at Man up to We’ll see you inside!
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